Our Team


Founder of Fitjars, India's #1 online destination for nutritious groumet food...


He is the Chief Operations Officer at Fitjars, brings wide range of experince...


Yogi joined the company when it was inception stage bringing his wide of experince...


Will join the company very soon...

'); }, success: function(dataResponse){ jQuery(widget).hide().html(dataResponse.html).fadeIn(); } }); } } function initSwiperCarousel(options, Swiper) { var autoplay_mode = false; var autoplayDisableOnInteraction = true; if(options.autoplay) { autoplay_mode = options.interval; autoplayDisableOnInteraction = false; } console.log(options.scrollbar); if(options.scrollbar){ options.scrollbarHide = false; } var swiper = new Swiper(options.class_filter, { pagination: options.pagination, navigation: options.navigation, scrollbar: options.scrollbar, centeredSlides: true, autoplay: autoplay_mode, //delay between transitions (in ms). If this parameter is not specified, auto play will be disabled autoplayDisableOnInteraction: autoplayDisableOnInteraction, speed: options.speed, //Duration of transition between slides (in ms) slidesPerView: options.slide_by, //Number of slides per view (slides visible at the same time on slider's container). slidesPerColumn: options.slide_in_col, //Number of slides per column, for multirow layout. Default: 1 slidesPerColumnFill: options.slide_col_fill, //Could be 'column' or 'row'. Defines how slides should fill rows, by column or by row slidesPerGroup: options.slide_group, //Set numbers of slides to define and enable group sliding. Useful to use with slidesPerView > 1 . Default: 1 mousewheel: options.mousewheel, //Set to true to enable navigation through slides using mouse wheel spaceBetween: options.space, //Distance between slides in px. freeMode: options.freemode, //If true then slides will not have fixed positions direction: options.direction, //Could be 'horizontal' or 'vertical' (for vertical slider). paginationClickable: true, loop: options.loop, effect: options.effect //"slide", "fade", "cube" or "coverflow" }); return swiper; } require(['jquery'],function($){ $(document).ready(function(){ /* Offcanvas Sidebars */ if( $(".offcanvas-widget-siderbars").length > 0 ) { require([ 'jquery', 'Ves_BaseWidget/js/jquery/accordion' ],function($){ /** * * Update collapse icon */ if($(".widget-enable-collapse").length > 0) { $( ".widget-enable-collapse" ).each( function(){ var parent_element = $(this).parent(); $(this).on("hide.bs.collapse", function(){ $(parent_element).find(".opener").html(''); }); $(this).on("show.bs.collapse", function(){ $(parent_element).find(".opener").html(''); }); }) } }) } require([ 'jquery', 'Ves_BaseWidget/js/animate/animate.min' ],function($){ var browser = { isIe: function () { return navigator.appVersion.indexOf("MSIE") != -1; }, navigator: navigator.appVersion, getVersion: function() { var version = 999; // we assume a sane browser if (navigator.appVersion.indexOf("MSIE") != -1) // bah, IE again, lets downgrade version number version = parseFloat(navigator.appVersion.split("MSIE")[1]); return version; } }; if (typeof(WOW) != "undefined" && ( (browser.isIe() && browser.getVersion() > 9) || !browser.isIe() ) ) { wow = new WOW( { boxClass: 'ves-animate', // default animateClass: 'animated', // default offset: 0, // default mobile: true, // default live: true // default } ) wow.init(); } // Synchronise WoW }) if($(".ves-parallax").length > 0) { require([ 'jquery', 'Ves_BaseWidget/js/jquery/jquery.parallax-1.1.3' ],function($){ /** * * Automatic apply Parallax */ if(typeof($.fn.parallax) != "undefined") { $(".ves-parallax").css("background-attachment", "fixed"); $(".ves-parallax").each( function () { var percent = $(this).data("parallax-percent"); percent = (percent!='')?percent:'50%'; var scroll = $(this).data("parallax-scroll"); scroll = (scroll!='' && scroll!='0')?scroll:'0.4'; $(this).parallax(percent, scroll); }) } }) } /** * * Automatic apply colorbox popup */ if($(".colorbox-play").length > 0) { require([ 'jquery' ,"Ves_All/lib/colorbox/jquery.colorbox.min" ],function($){ /** * * Automatic apply colorbox popup */ $(".colorbox-play").each( function(){ var element_id = $(this).attr("id"); var popup_width = $(this).data('width'); var popup_height = $(this).data('height'); var popup_opacity = $(this).data('opacity'); if(popup_width == "" || typeof(popup_width) == "undefined" ) { popup_width = false; } if(popup_height == "" || typeof(popup_height) == "undefined" ) { popup_height = false; } if(popup_opacity == "" || typeof(popup_opacity) == "undefined" ) { popup_opacity = 0.5; } if(popup_width && popup_height) { $(this).colorbox({ width: "'"+popup_width+"'", height: "'"+popup_height+"'", overlayClose: true, opacity: popup_opacity, rel: false }); } else if(popup_width && !popup_height) { $(this).colorbox({ width: "'"+popup_width+"'", overlayClose: true, opacity: popup_opacity, rel: false }); } else if(popup_width && !popup_height) { $(this).colorbox({ height: "'"+popup_height+"'", overlayClose: true, opacity: popup_opacity, rel: false }); } else { $(this).colorbox({ overlayClose: true, opacity: popup_opacity, rel: false }); } }); }) } /** * * Automatic apply fancybox popup */ if($(".fancybox-play").length > 0) { require([ 'jquery' ,"Ves_All/lib/fancybox/jquery.fancybox.pack" ,"Ves_All/lib/fancybox/jquery.mousewheel-3.0.6.pack" ],function($){ $(".fancybox-play").each( function(){ var element_id = $(this).attr("id"); var popup_width = $(this).data('width'); var popup_height = $(this).data('height'); var popup_opacity = $(this).data('opacity'); if(popup_width == "" || typeof(popup_width) == "undefined" ) { popup_width = false; } if(popup_height == "" || typeof(popup_height) == "undefined" ) { popup_height = false; } if(popup_opacity == "" || typeof(popup_opacity) == "undefined" ) { popup_opacity = 0.5; } if(popup_width && popup_height) { $(this).fancybox({ width: "'"+popup_width+"'", height: "'"+popup_height+"'", opacity: popup_opacity, openEffect : 'none', closeEffect : 'none' }); } else if(popup_width && !popup_height) { $(this).fancybox({ width: "'"+popup_width+"'", opacity: popup_opacity, openEffect : 'none', closeEffect : 'none' }); } else if(popup_width && !popup_height) { $(this).fancybox({ height: "'"+popup_height+"'", opacity: popup_opacity, openEffect : 'none', closeEffect : 'none' }); } else { $(this).fancybox({ opacity: popup_opacity, openEffect : 'none', closeEffect : 'none' }); } }); }); } }) });